The Table Rules
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Short description
Get your drinks ready - this is going to get rough 🍻🎲
Detailed description
The participants in "The Table Rules" sit around a table, where each participant has prepared enough drinks for the entire game. Once everything is ready, the participants roll a dice to determine who goes first. After that, the game is played with 2 dice 🎲 (or a deck of cards 🃏), and the turn goes around in a circle. Note that bathroom visits are not allowed unless one wins the right to do so.
The first participant to roll a 3 designates someone as "having it," and each time a participant subsequently rolls a 3, the person "having it" must drink, and if 2 3s are rolled, the person "having it" must obviously drink 2 sips. If the person "having it" rolls a 3 themselves, they must designate a new person to "have it."
All other rolls, meaning the total number of eyes on the dice, result in the following actions:
2: Challenge a participant. If the challenge is not completed, the participant must drink 5 sips, but if the challenge is completed, you must drink.
4: Distribute 3 sips among one or more participants.
5: Cheers.
6: Name a category, such as car brands, soccer clubs, or girl names, and first mention a name within that category. Then, participants take turns mentioning a new name that hasn't been mentioned before. The first participant who can't come up with a new name must drink 3 sips.
7: You have earned the right for a bathroom visit.
8: The person to the right drinks a sip.
9: The person to the left drinks a sip.
10: Here, you get the opportunity to discreetly place your thumb on the edge of the table at any point during the game. Then, it's about the other participants quickly placing their thumbs on the table as well. The last person to place their thumb on the table must drink 3 sips.
11: Take a sip yourself.
12: Here, a rule must be established, such as all participants not being allowed to say anything, having to curse in every sentence, or everyone having to stand on one leg when rolling the dice. You can also choose to remove a rule. If one or more participants break a rule during the remainder of the game, those affected must drink. Of course, there can be multiple rules at the same time.
Game details
4-10 players
60 minutes
Dices or deck of cards
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