Over the bridge
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Short description
Over the bridge is quite similar to the bus ride, so that gives you a bit of an idea of what it's all about! 🛤️
Detailed description
You start by placing 10 cards face down in a row, and in the middle of them, you put an object that symbolizes the bridge. It could be a cork, a snuff box, a rolled-up piece of paper - anything! It doesn't matter what it is, as long as everyone agrees that the agreed-upon object represents the bridge. 🃏
The game is about crossing the symbolic bridge by flipping a card at one end, either by a person or the "victim" themselves. This continues until all the cards are flipped in order. 🔄
Nothing happens as long as you don't flip a picture card or an ace. When this happens, the following rules apply: Jack results in one sip, Queen two, King three, and Ace four. 🍷
In addition to drinking, you must do the following: For a Jack, add a new card face down to the row on top of the cards already flipped, and the same goes for the other cards. A Queen adds two new cards, King three, and Ace four. 🎴
When, or if, you reach the point where you need to cross the bridge, you must drink three sips when you cross. If you are fortunate/unfortunate enough to draw a card that sends you back across the bridge, you must once again drink three sips. 😅
The game is finished when you can't continue or when you have flipped the last card in the row that isn't a Jack, Queen, King, or Ace. 🎉
Game details
2-10 players
15 minutes
🃏 Deck of cards, 🗳️ An object
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