Horse race

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Short description

The horse race is a lively and fun drinking game, with a hint of gambling! 🏇🏇

Detailed description

Setup the layout as the video below shows. First, find the four Aces and arrange them side by side on the short end of the 'L' shape. Then, lay the next 8 cards off the top of the deck face-down along the tall side of the 'L', starting the first row above the row of Aces. Finally, appoint someone as the race 'announcer', who will flip the cards throughout the game. 📽️ Before each horse race begins, every player places a bet (number of drinks wagered) on a suit of their choice that will win the race (where the Ace of that suit represents the horse). Then, before the race begins, each player drinks their wager, and the race is off! 🏁 The announcer begins the game by flipping one card at a time from the top of the deck of cards. Aces advance one row at a time if they match the suit of the card as they are flipped. For instance, if the five of spades is flipped, the Ace of Spades advances one row. This process continues until one card eventually advances past the final row. 🎲 Each first time all four Aces have reached the same row (they don't all need to be there at the same time), the face down card representing that row in the 'L' shape is flipped over, and the Ace of that suit is moved back 1 row. When an Ace has won the race, everyone who wagered for that Ace can hand out double their amount wagered in sips to the other players. All sips does not have to be handed to the same person, but can be spread across many players. 🥳


Game details

5-25 players
10 minutes


🃏 Playing cards



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